Small business loss prevention tips from State Farm®

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Commercial auto & fleets

Safe driving behaviors

Driving distractions and how to avoid them

Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous driving distractions, but here are some others.

Defensive driving tips

Defensive driving tips can help drivers take on the road safely

Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads

Travelers can drive defensively and take precautions to prevent merging collisions.

Avoid these risks or you may fall asleep at the wheel

Drowsy driving can impair reflexes and lead to disaster. Try these tips to stay alert.

Time to break these bad driving habits

Avoid dangerous driving situations with these tips.

Driving tips for traffic jams

Getting stuck in traffic is unavoidable sometimes, so here's how to be safer about it.

Put the brakes on aggressive driving

Keep an eye out for busy roads, stress, traffic jams and other dangerous driving conditions.

Texting while driving includes growing mobile web use

Texting while driving is not the only problem — drivers are increasingly using mobile web services.

How to prevent car accidents in parking lots

Parking lot accidents happen all too often. Here's what you can do to help prevent them.

Staying safe at railroad crossings

It may be tempting to shoot across the tracks against the signal, but just don't risk it.

Safe driving in hazardous weather conditions

Can you drive safely in severe weather?

It's helpful to know how to drive safely in ice, snow, rain, fog and other inclement weather.

Driving in fog

It's never ideal to drive in dense or heavy fog. Here are tips for when you have to keep driving.

Tips for driving safely in the rain

Being behind the wheel of a rain-splattered windshield doesn't have to be stressful.

Basic winter driving tips

Learn how to help navigate challenging road conditions and prepare for potential emergencies with these winter driving safety tips.

What is black ice? Watch for this winter road hazard

Black ice can be hard to spot on a wintry road. State Farm® offers these tips for black ice safety.

Night driving and headlight glare

A dangerous aspect of night driving is the blinding glare from oncoming headlights. Discover tips to reduce headlight glare when driving at night.

Keeping your vehicle secure and operating smoothly

How to prevent car theft

From your keys to parking choice, there's more you can be doing to help prevent theft.

Tire maintenance, safety and care

Yes, you do need to learn how to take care of your tires. These six simple to-dos take just minutes.

Workers' compensation

Prevent common workplace injuries

Protect your business property from slip and falls

What small business owners/landlords can do to help prevent slips, trips and falls and what to do if they happen.

Smart steps to ladder safety

Do you know the right ladder height for the job? Learn how to use a ladder safely.

How to use your hand tools more safely

Simple hand tool safety tips to help you choose and use your hand tools before you start your next DIY project, maintain them and protect yourself and others.

Putting kitchen safety first

Protect yourself and your family from cuts, burns, slips and fires when cooking.

What is disability insurance and how does it work?

Understand your coverage options when you’re unable to work after becoming hurt or sick.

Know your company benefits to get all the perks

It pays to get in on all the benefits your employer offers.

The importance of safety glasses and when to wear them

Eye injuries are all too common in the workplace and at home. Learn about the different types and features that can help increase your safety.

Prevent weather and environmental-related injuries

What is hypothermia? Signs and causes

Hypothermia is a misunderstood condition that's caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

How to prevent bug bites

Discover ways to help protect yourself, identify dangerous bug bites and stings and understand what to do if they bite you.



Business continuity and disaster preparedness

Disaster preparedness for your business

Create a business natural disaster plan to protect your employees, secure assets and resume operations.

Fire safety for businesses

Learn workplace fire safety and prevention tips to help protect your employees and business.

Preventing common weather-related losses

How to prevent pipes from freezing

Consider these ideas to help prevent frozen pipes — and what you might try if they do freeze.

How to remove snow from the roof

Snow on the roof may look pretty, but too much can potentially cause structural damage.

Winter sidewalk safety tips for home and business owners

Winter sidewalk safety is a chore, but keeping your sidewalk clear of ice and snow during the winter might help prevent accidents and trouble.

Preventing other common business losses

Protect your business property from slip and falls

What small business owners/landlords can do to help prevent slips, trips and falls and what to do if they happen.

How to protect your business from burglary and robbery

Burglary is often a crime of opportunity and robbery is terrifying. Incorporate these burglary and robbery prevention tips and more to help protect your business.

Tips to prevent employee theft

Careful hiring and assigning responsibilities can ensure no one's stealing from the till.

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