The home team: supporting affordable homeownership
A look inside the State Farm® partnership with Habitat for Humanity and their efforts to advocate for better, more affordable housing.
State Farm has a commitment to building safer, stronger and better-educated communities — and that led them to a partnership with Habitat for Humanity more than 12 years ago.
Here's a closer look at how this successful partnership has created paths to homeownership opportunities, provided disaster relief funds to the communities that need it most and even created the opportunity for students to attend the annual Habitat on the Hill legislative conference in Washington, DC.
More than 29 million people have built or improved the place they call home with the help of Habitat for Humanity, and 800,000 youth have engaged in Habitat organizations with help from State Farm. That support extended to over 300 local Habitat organizations in 2019, and marks an $11 million investment in Habitat for Humanity over the past 13 years.
This partnership is especially evident on college campuses: 18 Habitat for Humanity campus chapters were awarded State Farm matching grants in 2018 — and in 2019, $164,000 in State Farm grants were awarded to campus chapters and matched by $202,197 in local funds.
Want to get involved in a Habitat for Humanity chapter in your community? Take a look at their national directory or reach out to your State Farm Agent for help connecting.
The State Farm® commitment to building safer, stronger and better-educated communities led them to a partnership with Habitat for Humanity more than 12 years ago.
Here's a look at how this investment in community has aided in efforts to build and repair homes and advocate for better, more affordable housing.
29 million
Number of people Habitat has helped build or improve the place they call home.
Number of youth engaged in Habitat organizations with help from State Farm.
Number of local Habitat organizations supported by State Farm in 2019.
$11 million
The State Farm investment in Habitat for Humanity over the past 13 years.
Total campus chapters — student-led, student-initiated organizations on high school or college campuses partnered with local Habitat affiliates — awarded State Farm matching grants in 2018.
Total of State Farm grants awarded to campus chapters of Habitat in 2019 and matched by $202,197 in local funds.
Additional partnership funds:
Disaster grants to five affiliates totaling $109,000 to assist with relief efforts for hurricanes, wildfires and a tornado.
Operational funding of $353,000 provided to increase capacity to implement Habitat programs, including campus chapters; Act! Speak! Build! Week; Habitat Young Professionals groups and the Young Leaders Summit.
Scholarships awarded to 21 students to attend the annual Habitat on the Hill legislative conference in Washington, DC.
Want to get involved in a Habitat for Humanity chapter in your community? Take a look at their national directory or reach out to your State Farm Agent for help connecting.
For more about volunteering in your community, visit